Welcome to Epikos!

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Come check out our comic stock, we have thousands of back issues and new comics every week. From DC and Marvel staples to exciting new independent comics, we have everything you need.
Don't want to miss any of your comics? Talk to us about setting up a pullbox and we'll make sure you get everything you need.
Epikos is Greek for Epic. And we look forward to the Epic stories that will be made at our store. We carry all the latest Comic Books and many back issues.
We are a brick and mortar retailer dealing in New and Used Comics, Cards and Video Games. Board games more your style? We have hundreds of games in stock every day!
Whether your looking for a place to play Friday Night Magic or a friendly local comic shop we have everything you need here at your One-Stop Geek Shop.
From Magic: The Gathering, to My little Pony TCG and from Pokemon to Yu-Gi-Oh; if there is a card game we carry it. Force of Will, Weiss Schwartz, Vanguard, you name it, we've got it here.
We don't just sell here either, join us for Friday Night Magic or any of our other weekly tournaments. You can find our event schedule Here. Stay tuned for announcements about prereleases gameday's or other special tournaments.
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